SqlTutorial-1 : Lesson-11 : Class-3
Microsoft SQL Server Training:
Free Online-Learning Classes (OLC) for T-SQL
Built-in Sql functions:
Type Conversion and Null Checking


1. Data-Type Converting functions
  1. CAST()
  2. CONVERT()
2. Null-Type Checking functions
  1. ISNULL()
  2. NULLIF()

1. Data Conversion functions (2 methods)

  1. CAST():

    Converts one type to another type.


    CAST(expression AS data_type)


    1. Casting to Date:

      SQL Server interprets two digit years as:
      If the year < 49 => formatted as 20XX; If the year >49 => formatted as 19XX;

      1.SELECT CAST('11/11/72' AS smalldatetime) => 1972-11-11 00:00:00
      2.SELECT CAST('6/5/40' AS smalldatetime) => 2040-06-05 00:00:00

      select CAST('2002-10-10' AS datetime)
                     – CAST('2002-09-10' AS datetime) AS int) => 30
    3. Simple char to integer conversion.

      SELECT CAST('123' AS Int) => 123
    4. Char to Floating point conversion.

      SELECT CAST('123.4' AS Decimal(9,2)) => 123.40
  2. Convert()

    Converts one type of data to another.


    CONVERT(data_ type(<length>), expression, <style>)
    The length option is only used on the following data types: nchar, char, varchar, nvarchar, varbinary, and binary.


    1. Converting date to varchar with various country formats.

      SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 1) => 06/02/09
      SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 2) => 09.06.02
      SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 3) => 02/06/09
      SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 4) => 02.06.09
      SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 5) => 02-06-09
      SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 6) => 02 Jun 09

      Table: Values for the style argument of CONVERT() for various countries.
      Style No. without century(YY) Style No. with Century (yyyy) Output Type For Format
      - 0 or 100 Default MON DD YYY
      1 101 USA MM/DD/YYYY
      2 102 ANSI YYYY.MM.DD
      3 103 British / French DD/MM/YYYY
      4 104 German DD.MM.YYYY
      5 105 Italian DD-MM-YYYY
      6 106 - DD MON YYYY
      7 107 - MON DD, YYYY
      10 110 USA MM-DD-YY
      11 111 JAPAN YY/MM/DD
      12 112 ISO YY MM DD
      20 120 ODBC Canonical YYYY-MM-DD hh:mi:sec
      1. The country formats for integer, real etc is identical
        e.g, CONVERT(VarChar(10),'1234.56', 1)= CONVERT(VarChar(10),'1234.56', 10)
      2. The default format SQL uses to store the date is yyyy-dd-mm
    2. Converting varchar to date.(it takes any format of date)

      SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '20000604') =>2004-06-04 12:10:00
      SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '2 Jun 2004') =>2004-06-02 12:10:00
      SELECT CONVERT(datetime, ' Jun 2 2004') =>2004-06-02 12:10:00
      SELECT CONVERT(datetime, ' 2-jun- 2004') =>2004-06-02 12:10:00
    3. Converting money to char:

      Like date, type money is formatted differently in different countries as date.
      SELECT 'Money' = advance,
            'Varchar' = CONVERT(varchar(10), advance),
            'Varchar-1' = CONVERT(varchar(10), advance, 1),
            'Varchar-2' = CONVERT(varchar(10), advance, 2)
      Money Varchar Varchar-1 Varchar-2
      8000.0000 8000.00 8,000.00 8000.0000
      5000.0000 5000.00 5,000.00 5000.0000
      4000.0000 4000.00 4,000.00 4000.0000
      2000.0000 2000.00 2,000.00 2000.0000
      0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000
    4. converting char to money.

      SELECT CONVERT(money, '8,000.00', 1) =>8000.0000
    5. converting char to integer

      SELECT CONVERT(INTEGER,'123')=>123
      //Note if CONVERT(INTEGER,’1A’)=> ERROR.
    6. Converting char to decimal.

      SELECT CONVERT(Decimal(9,2), '123.4')=> 123.40
    7. String comparison for checking date equality.

      SELECT * FROM Orders
      WHERE CONVERT(varchar(12), OrderDate, 101)
                 = CONVERT(varchar(12), GETDATE(), 101)

Null-Type checking functions

  1. ISNULL():

    Determins whether or not it is null


    ISNULL(check_expression, replacement_value)


    1. Replacing NULL values with ZERO values

      SELECT ISNULL(qty,0) AS qty
      FROM Orders;
    2. Replacing NULL values with current date.

    3. Verifying ISNULL() returns given value if varible contains null;

  2. NULLIF()

    Returns NULL if both values are equal otherwise returns first expression.




    2. SELECT NULLIF(2,3)=> 2
    3. No need expressions to have same type.

      SELECT NULLIF(2,’2’) => NULL
    4. SELECT NULLIF(2,’4’) =>2

    Getting first not null value from list.; returns the first Non-NULL value in a list of expressions. It is equivalent to CASE expression but works with NULL values.


    COALESCE(expression1, expression2, ... expressionN)
    1. SELECT COALESCE (NULL, 10, NULL) => 10
    2. SELECT COALESCE (NULL, 10, 20) => 10
    3. SELECT COALESCE (5, 10, NULL) => 5
    4. SELECT COALESCE (NULL, '10', 30) => 10
    1. If all arguments are NULL, COALESCE returns NULL.
    2. COALESCE(expression1,...n) is equivalent to the following CASE expression:
      CASE WHEN (expression1 IS NOT NULL) THEN expression1
               WHEN (expression2 IS NOT NULL) THEN expression2
               ELSE expressionN


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