Configuring and Installing IIS7 for

 1. IIS7 installation

Please check in:
1) Internet Information Services
    1.1) Web Management Tools (To enable "inetmgr")
            a) IIS Management Console
            b) IIS Management Scripts and Tools
            c) IIS Management Services
    1.2) Word Wide Web Services 
           a) Application Development Features (To install ISAPI applications)
                  a.1) .NET Extensibility
                  a.2) ASP.NET 
                  a.3) ISAP Exstensions 
                  a.4) ISAP Filters
                  a.5) Server-side includes
           b)  Common HTTP Features (To Access Virtual Directory by localhost)
               b.1) Default Document
               b.2) Directory Browsing
               b.3) Http Errors
               b.4) Http Redirections
               b.5) Static Content
               b.6) WebDAV Publishing
   1.3)  Security (To enable IIS security)
             a) Basic Authentication
             b) ClientCertificate 
             c) Windows Authenticaiton etc
            Note. You can enable all authentication simultanesouly. Then Windows select from top-bottom as 
                      fall-through and fail-safe.

2: Launching IIS manager

a) To open IIS Manager from the Start menu
  1. Click Start | Control Panel | System and Maintenance | Administrative Tools then
  2. Double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
b) To open IIS Manager from the Serach box
  1. Click Start.
  2. In the Start Search box, type inetmgr and press ENTER.

Note: You can open any MMC by Right Click On MyComputer>Manage

3:Configuring IIS7 for

Step-1: Install IIS6 compatibility

If you not install IIS6 compatibility then you cannot create WebApplicaion in IIS by using Visual Studio;
You can to enable
  1. IIS 6 Metabase
  2. IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility

Step-2: Install ISAPI application in IIS.
If you install IIS after installing Framework/Visual Studio, then you have to explicitly register ISAPI.

1)      Start>All Programms > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 > Visual Studio Tools
2)      Right click on Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) then Select
Run as Administrator
3)      Execute the following file from command promp aspnet_regiis -i

Step-3: Configure IIS for Framework 4.0 (optional but need cross verification)
1)      Configuring ISAPI and CGI restrictions
a)       Open IIS manager then select RootNode>ISAPI and CGI Restriction;
b)       Right click on Asp.Net (all version) and select Allow

2)      Configuring NTFS permissions for Virtual Director
a) Right click on IIS/WebSite è Edit permissions è IIS_IUSER with Read & Execute permissions.

Step-4: Create WebApplication in Local IIS7 instead of Dev server and execute ;
1)      Open VS in administrator context
2)      Create new Webapplication in etc.

CheckPoints in short:
1)      Checking whether IIS running or not:
Open Browser and enter “Localhost” then you will get iisStart.html page

2)      Checking whether IIS Management Console is installed or not.
Start > Run > enter inetmgr; then you IIS Manager would be launched

3)      Checking whether Asp.Net is configured with IIS or not.
Create a new WebApplication in HTTP/IIS7 and run it
Note: Run your VS in context of Administrator account.

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